
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Setup Fiddler Proxy for Windows 8 Phone Emulator

1. Install Fiddler and choose the ‘Built for .NET 4' version here
2. Run Fiddler and choose Tools from the menu-->Fiddler Options-->Check these boxes in the HTTPS tab & Connections tab as shown as below

3. In the command windows on the bottom left corner of Fiddler
   Type: prefs set <Host Name> (where Host Name is the name of your desktop computer)

4. Close the Emulator and restart Fiddler.
5. Restart the emulator and open the Internet Explorer Browser, then type in http:// followed by the ‘Proxy registration address’ followed by /FiddlerRoot.cer (in this dialog it is ‘http://yourhostname:8888/FiddlerRoot.cer’) then hit OK (TIP:  Hit the PageDown key on your computer keyboard and you can type in text fields of the emulator.
6. You should connect to Fiddler and get a screen like this, Hit ‘install’ accept any prompts and hit ‘ok’

7. Access the http/https traffic (ex. and observe the traffic in Fiddler proxy

Launch Windows 8 Phone Emulator Using Windows Phone Tools

1. Download and Install the Windows Phone Power Tools form here
2. Launch the Windows Phone Power Tools
3. Click on LAUNCH ELEVATED link to enable the tool in elevated mode.

4. Select the Emulator and click on Connect button.
5. Emulator will be launched...

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Monday, 4 November 2013

Install burp CA Certificate in iPhone Simulator

  1. You should have Mac machine with xcode(comes simulator) (either physical or virtual)
  2. To capture SSL traffic for hybrid apps (Native+web) you need to install the proxy certificate (here i am taking burp proxy and portSwiggerCA certificate file)
  3. You should install or Add the certificate in below location
    Library→Application Support→iPhone Simulator→Version(5.0)→Library→KeyChains→TrustStore.sqlite3 database file
  4. Download the script from Github and use the below command to add the certificate in TrustStore database
    download the script from Github
    Admins-iMac-2:burp admin$ python -a PortSwiggerCA

  5. Certificate will be added or replaced successfully.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Android DDMS File Explorer-Pull/Push file from/to Emulator

Android Emulator- Install Charles CA SSL Certificate in Android Emulator

  1. Open Charles Proxy
  2. Click on Help-->Install Charles CA SSL Certificate..
  3. Certificate will be opened
  4. Click on details tab
  5. Click on Copy file to File-->Next-->Next -->Browse the location to store the certificate
  6. Click on Next-->Finish
  7. Certificate will be created on the file system. 

Install the Certificate
  1.  Launch the Emulator
  2. Use the adb push command to place the certificate in sdcard as shown below.
  1.  Go to Android Emulator-->Settings-->Security
  2.  Click on Install from SD Card