
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Setup Fiddler Proxy for Windows 8 Phone Emulator

1. Install Fiddler and choose the ‘Built for .NET 4' version here
2. Run Fiddler and choose Tools from the menu-->Fiddler Options-->Check these boxes in the HTTPS tab & Connections tab as shown as below

3. In the command windows on the bottom left corner of Fiddler
   Type: prefs set <Host Name> (where Host Name is the name of your desktop computer)

4. Close the Emulator and restart Fiddler.
5. Restart the emulator and open the Internet Explorer Browser, then type in http:// followed by the ‘Proxy registration address’ followed by /FiddlerRoot.cer (in this dialog it is ‘http://yourhostname:8888/FiddlerRoot.cer’) then hit OK (TIP:  Hit the PageDown key on your computer keyboard and you can type in text fields of the emulator.
6. You should connect to Fiddler and get a screen like this, Hit ‘install’ accept any prompts and hit ‘ok’

7. Access the http/https traffic (ex. and observe the traffic in Fiddler proxy

1 comment:

  1. OK - so what is this program and why would I want to use it?

    I would have thought that those questions would be answered on this page.
